Monday, September 30, 2019

Is There Too Much Sex on T.V?

Is there too much explicit sex on T. V? Over the past century, television has changed quite alot. Contents that was once seen as being inappropriate and outrageous, is now on everyday television. Recently, sex has become the main focus on our television screens. Many people think it is bad for young people’s health but others may say it is an appropriate way of advertising and attracting viewers and readers. Sexual scenes and images can lead people to a very wrong conclusion of how they should look and act. Television producers claim that what they are broadcasting is appropriate but many young people do end up watching women and men who all have perfect bodies. Body image is a major issue in the UK and according to a survey from 2008, 44% of women express negative feelings about both individual body parts and their bodies as a whole. If this is an adult’s view of their body, then the images in the media are affecting girls and even boys from our own generation on a much higher level, leaving many young people with very low self-esteem and lack of confidence. Reasons to support the views that there is too much explicit sex on TV is that some people feel that sex on television has become acceptable and is being broadcasted in ‘soaps' and other programs during the day. Carolyn Teasley, a journalist said, â€Å"Soap operas have bored me recently, it was becoming harder to tell who had slept with whom anyway. † This quote shows that some people have became bored and lost interest in programs because they no longer care about an interesting story, or plot, only the advertisement of sex. Sex on TV can also influence children in a huge way, many teenagers have admitted to having underage sex because they have felt pressured from the television and the programmess that they watch. However, in the programmes, the teenagers do not see the dangers and consequences of sex. They only see a directors perception of an interesting scene. This can cause underage people to get sexually transmitted diseases and also underage pregnancy. Some people find sex or even the implementation of sex quite boring and not very interesting, they also don't see it as it being an important part of relationship between two people who truly love each other. Some choose to change the channel when there is a scene of a male and female undressing. Most people say that they would rather read an interesting story than see sex displayed on television. Most couples have admitted to feeling insecure when watching sex on television because the actors have perfect bodies and look a certain way and they do not. Adding to this most people, especially elderly people can feel uncomfortable watching sex scenes on television. On the other hand, some people feel that sex on television isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. For example some people feel that sex on TV can benefit children. The UK has one of the worst teenage pregnancy rates in the developed world, simply because children are not being taught enough at school about sex. A channel 4 programme called â€Å"the sex education show† teaches children about sex in an appropriate manor, also the show is shown at later hours so no young children can see. Another point that can be made is that most parents complain and say there is too much sex on TV and their young child is exposed to the sexual behavior on the TV. However, sky and some freeview boxes have a parental control with a pin code to view only certain channels and it is up to the parent which programmes their child can watch, if they chose to let their child watch a programme of a sexual nature, then they have no right to comment and say it is not appropriate because the child has been given its parents discretion. Another advantage is the income that is made from these programmes and movies. Most programmes that have high ratings are of a sexual nature. Statistics show that more people watch shows with sexual content such as ‘Friends', ‘two and a half men' and ‘scrubs'. A leading journalist for the guardian said â€Å"As time goes by television broadens its horizons and opens up new doors. Television draws in audiences by portraying what's on people's minds and what's going on around them. People will continue to be attracted to money and sex on television,† Although many people think sex on TV is bad, the majority of people agree that is it also a good thing. To conclude, my opinion on the amount of sex on TV is acceptable. I feel that programmes of a sexual nature are shown at an appropriate time. I also feel that sex on TV does help educate young children, because young children can make up insane rumours about things involving sex and seeing the truth on TV can reasure the child of what is right and wrong. In addition I think it is the responsibility of the parent to decide what they are allowing their children to be exposed to, they shouldnt let their child watch the programme if they do not think it is suitable or appropriate for their age.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


What problems are facing Erik Peterson? 1. Unclear reporting structure 2. Inventory control 3. Personnel issues: a. Chief Engineer b. Subcontractor c. Employee salary issues d. Conflicts / poor relationships between various positions 4. Lack of clear direction / consistent decisions / communication from corporate 5. Lower level of actual experience from those in higher management 6. Zoning issues 7. Lack of support from corporate regarding local relationships 8. Lack of training for many key positions GMT had originally been targeted to begin service to subscribers on FebruaryY l, but it was now a month behind target because of several major problems. (Page 1) Instead of reporting to Jenkins, like originally assumed, he was assigned to Jeff Hardy, Cellulose's director of budgets and plans. Hardy had never had any system operating experience, so was unable to offer him any initial advice or guidance that was specific or helpful. Their relationship was somewhat awkward in the beginning because Peterson has never been formally told by either Jenkins or Hardy of the reporting relations hip; it just seemed to have occurred. (Page 3 and 4)The initial construction of cellular towers, performed by a subcontractor, was already several weeks behind schedule and that would never meet the turn-on target. Efforts to get the subcontractor to improve his construction rate failed, and GMT was race vying an increasing number of complaints from local citizens about the way the sub annotator was cutting through privately owned trees and property. (Page 4) CLC Peterson had difficulties with getting his chief engineer, Curt Andrews, to do t he planning and organizing necessary to ensure that equipment and supplies arrived whew n they were needed.Page 4) Peterson discussed this problem with Hardy several times a ND raised it again in Los Angels, button no avail. Curt Andrews had worked his way up an d he had gained a reputation within Cellulose for being technically frustrate. After thro e Of four months in Hanover, Peterson came to realize that Curt did not have either the administrative ability or the prior knowledge needed to start up a brand new operation. (Page e 5) Peterson raised the possibility that Curt be reassigned and replaced by a person who h ad more operating and startup experience; the people he talked with in Los Angel s insisted thatCurt had the potential to handle a startup; all he needed was more coaching and help from Peterson. Furthermore, Cellulose had just relocated Curt and his family fro m Tampa to Hanover and Peterson suspected that the company did not wish to put him the rough another move. (Page 5) Peterson took steps to help Curt improve the planning and coordination. One step he took was to have Curt call weekly construction meetings to which everyone in the o organization was invited. However, Peterson felt that Curt did not become involved enough in t hem; he found himself getting most Of his reposts directly from Curt's two su bordinates ToddJones, supervisor of the radio engineering department, and Mike Delano, supervisor of SMUT'S construction department despite his attempts to get Curt more actively involve deed. (Page 6) Another step was establishing an inventory control reporting system; but gaga n Peterson found that Curt resisted the effort. Peterson continued to have difficulty getting Eng these reports from Curt completed on time. Peterson suspected that Curt was somehow re sinful that Peterson did not trust him implicitly.The inventory control problem became s o great that on two occasions GMT ran short of the radios that were required to equip cell is e; if the radio installation team ran out of radios during the installation process the entire p recess had to be set up all over again, wasting valuable time and money. One these two cocoas ions when Curt did not plan for the radio shipment correctly, Peterson was lucky enough to g et overnight shipping. (Page 6) During this period, Peterson agai n discussed the problems with Curt asking to have him transferred but Hardy was again reluctant to take any cacti on. Page 7) Curt had problems working with Todd Jones. Many of their conflicts were over the selection and specification of antenna equipment. Over time these issues had come so frequent that Todd told Peterson on several occasions that he felt he was beet ere qualified than Curt and that he wanted Curt's job. (Page 7) Curt also had several problems w irking with Melissa Mizzen, Peterson secretary. Most of the arguments between Curt an d Melissa were over errors in applications prepared by Curt, but typed by Melissa. Peterson s suspected that Curt resented having his errors pointed out by a woman. Page 7) 0 Jim Weston, a earldom college graduate, who was brought in as director of marketing was an aggressive and ambitious man who Often rubbed people the wrong ay in his hurry to et things done. Jims market plans were not detailed enough and they require deed careful review . (Page 7) Tremor Burns, a roadside college graduate was hired to run the customer seer vice department. Tremor had many ideas, some of which were impractical and his constant flow of new ideas eventually became a problem for everyone, including Todd Jones a ND even Peterson himself; Peterson had to talk to Tremor about it.Tremor and Curt so n developed problems working with one another; Peterson believed that some of these did faculties occurred because of the many suggestions Tremor made about equipment selection an d procedures. The relationship between Tremor and Curt had become quite strained, Peters on suspected that some of these difficulties may have been caused by Curt's defensiveness over not having a college degree, and his resulting annoyance at Tremor's constant flow of critic schisms and suggestions. (Page 7) Peterson promoted his secretary, Melissa, to manager of Accounting and Cacti ovations In February with a raise in her salary.Cellulose headquarters thought that t he resulting increase over her previous salary was excessive and Los Angels only approve d an increase that was 20% less than what Peterson had originally offered to her. Peterson f let that Melissa and he knew the quality of her work had suffered as a result. (Page 8) D Peterson had offered Tremor the job at a competitive salary that Tremor had AC accepted. Todd Jones, who was making 25% less, learned about the amount of Tremor's salary and complained at the difference. Peterson had to discuss the problem with Trove r to let him know that his salary had become known within the company.Tremor voluntarily Off red to accept a salary cut of 20%, knowing that he had to learn some of the technical aspects of the cellular industry from Todd and Curt. (Page 8) Cellulose headquarters had delayed in making several key decisions and ha d several changes in equipment originally specified. As a result of these delays, Cellulose m's prime supplier of radios could not deliver on time, and Cellulo se had to go to an a Iterate source whose equipment was later found to be defective, thereby requiring renegotiate action with the first supplier.Headquarters had made a change in the power supply ratings in Deck ember which Hardy did not inform Peterson of until January. Thus the equipment that GUM T had in inventory could not be used and additional design changes had to be made. T 0 further implicate the situation, headquarters made a subsequent decision in January y to have all power supplies include backup batteries, rather than the generator system the at had originally been specified; the new power supplies did not arrive until the end of February y, (Page 8 and 9) Peterson constantly has a problem with his inability to get either support or CLC ear direction from Hardy.The one suggestion Hardy made, involved marketing to as many customers on the system as possible, but he did not have a set plan or action to do so. (Page Hardy's four visits to Hanover had been characterized a s â€Å"nitpicking' without r solution of any of the major problems that Peterson felt he had to deal with. (Page 9) Pet errors suspected that some of Hardy's indecisiveness was caused by Hardy's uncertain relation ship with his own boss, Rice Jenkins, and his little operating experience in cellular. Page 9) CLC Hardy and Peterson did not agree on how to handle the local governments, el adding Peterson to renegotiate with the local fire department after he solidified the p Ian to use the fire department's communication tower as a GMT cell site in a neighboring town . Hardy was too concerned with the budget and ROI, and not with the benefits that Cellulose and the public would get from this deal. (Page 12) Peterson felt somewhat uncomfortable in his relationships with both Cantor a ND Green because of an encounter he had had with them during his orientation period.Peterson did not care for Green's imperious and egotistical manner and feels a distinct dislike f or him. When Peterson challenges Cantor's statements, he finds she becomes agitated and visibly upset. (Page 12 and 13) One of the issues Cellulose had was the difficulty GMT was having with the e local utility in getting it to â€Å"make ready† its telephone lines according to the promised such duel. Although the meeting with the local general manager had gone well and he had promise deed better service, the utility continued to fall behind its makers schedule. Page 13) Peterson has a poor supervisor who's unsure of his skills and ability to lead their relationship was â€Å"ambiguous and awkward in the beginning† because Peters on was never informed about the reporting relationship, Hardy failed in giving clear direction n or support to Peterson. Decision making authority and power Peterson is given the responsibility of getting this initiative running, but he does not seem to have the decision making authority to make things happen quickly and efficiently. For example, he needs to get pe rmission to chi angel subcontractors and replace an engineer.No practical experience in industry Peterson cannot successfully lead without proper insight into the industry important positions to get the project off the ground are not able to handle the Eire roles (Curt) Relations to class concepts: 2. What are the underlying causes of these problems? The underlying causes of these problems are there is no communication ammo angst the company and its employees. Many of the employees do not have the proper training and knowledge for the positions they are in and do not put in enough effort, or they believe they are over quail fled than others.L] No one knows who directly to report back to, creating awkward relationships and a bad path of communication. Due to his inexperience (and possible youth) Peterson lacks respect from thou SE he manages. The overall inconsistency, especially in regard to decisions made by upper m management, has led to confusion. In regard to the upper managemen t's view of Curt, they believed that he coo old handle the job based on past performance in different areas (halo effect). Page 5) They also were influenced by the same bias in regard to resisting terminating the contract wit h the subcontractor. The majority of the team, but especially Curt, seems to suffer from excessive individualism. While Peterson did try to increase supervision of Curt and implement regular meetings, this plan may have backfired. It appears to have evoked negative feelings from C rut which have continued to affect his job performance. Perhaps offering him incentives for meeting certain expectations would have been more helpful.No leadership skills with Hardy or Peterson, neither have much experience in area, which leads to lack of confidence because of lack of expertise Lack of communication/direction/ authority between the staff and the WHQL (Peterson cannot handle all hires/ fires/wages on his own without authorization, but is supposed to be the manager) Dec ision making is not in place for the schedule and needs of the project (Deck Sino making tree or other method of planning not in place radios and power supplies short takes or not ordered in time for different steps of the process to take place) Lack of structure and skill sets in roles (Stevens moved from customer service over to do construction coordination, has a degree in social work) Confidential info was disclosed (salary info) so morale and relationships are n to as they should be in an office environment How effective has Peterson been in taking charge of the Hanover Startup, in t arms of managing the new operation and of providing leadership? Peterson has been effective in taking charge and turning around Hanover star tap so it will be ready in time for turn-on date.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Charlie Gordon

Charlie Gordon is the hero of a flower for Algernon. Charlie is a 33-year-old adult with mental retardation. Especially in a family who struggled to adapt to his illness and experienced a very difficult childhood, he wants to be very smart. Charlie has a good attitude towards changing his life and will make every effort to complete his clever job. Charlie underwent surgery to improve his intelligence. It was done only with the mouse, especially the mouse named Algernon. In the book by Daniel Keys' Flower for Algernon there is a chance to become a genius through surgery for the mentally disabled person Charlie Gordon. Charlie Gordon is the subject of the experiment to increase intelligence. The experiment was successful, Charlie Gordon became a genius. However, he has many emotional problems and understands how serious he is receiving. Finally, as he got dull again, could Charlie Gordon get a better surgery? It is not well understood. When Charlie was stupid, he was very happy. He thi nks he has friends, everyone likes him. But when he got better, he noticed his so-called friends were not his friends. He said: When I am late, I have a lot of friends, now I do not have anyone.Oh, I know a lot of people.It is a lot of people.This is my friend I do not mean anything to me, what it means (p.174) Charlie Gordon's brave Charlie Gordon is a hero, regardless of wisdom, for his bravery. Charlie's intelligence is slow, but his courage depends on what he intellects. I said that I was taken care of because I did not have anything, I am very strong and always fine, my rabbit's leg is next to me 11) Author Daniel Case, Charlie's obstacles are shown using misspelled words and highlights

Friday, September 27, 2019

How significant a role did Ideology play in the formation of Soviet Essay

How significant a role did Ideology play in the formation of Soviet foreign policy - Essay Example The paper tells that Soviet analysts have held that the central characteristic of Soviet foreign policy was established through Lenin’s Decree on Peace that was approved in November 1917 by the Second Congress of Soviets. It set forth the two fold objectives of Soviet foreign policy that encompassed both peaceful coexistence and proletarian globalism. On the one side, proletarian globalism is understood as the normal basis for the working classes of all nations that struggled to bring down the bourgeoisie and to introduce communist governments. On the other hand, peaceful coexistence referred to adopting procedures to establish comparatively passive inter government relationships with capitalist nations. Both these policies could be pursued together because Soviet policy makers believed that peaceful coexistence assumes that there will be strong resistance to imperialist aggressions. It also presupposed the backing for people protecting their radical achievements or fighting e xternal oppressions. Under Lenin, the policy of the Soviet Union can be defined as involving both pragmatism and ideology, which was a part of the dialectical process. Marxist ideology provided a strong basis for the Bolsheviks to act against the material conditions faced by them. Marxism Leninism pertained to the idea of contextualizing Soviet actions relative to the material circumstances that confronted the Bolsheviks and the proletariat during this period. The initial foreign policy decisions taken by the Bolsheviks were about the issue of how the Great War was to be approached. Eventually, the Bolshevik government made a decision to end the involvement of the Tsar with the central powers by accepting the peace terms dictated by Germany. Consequently, the Bolsheviks lost control of several regions that were under Russian control such as Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, which implied the loss of vast areas as well as more than a population of 50 million people, inc luding coal mining, iron production and significant parts of the rail networks. Accepting such severe terms can be understood as a practical approach towards foreign policy because the Soviets wanted to have the best possible bargain under the given circumstances (Goldgejer, 1994). During this time, there were divisions in terms of the relationship between pragmatism and ideology amongst Lenin, Trotsky and Bukharin. Lenin felt that the decisions taken were in keeping with the Soviet ideology and Trotsky held that if there was no war, peace could not be established, which meant that a cease fire had to be called for without getting involved in the signing of peace treaties. Bukharin believed that there should be a revolutionary war because he wanted that Russia should continue with the war, which would allow Russia to get support from the Germans who in turn would stop assisting the war initiatives against the Bolsheviks. In this context, communist ideology indicates that Bukharinâ⠂¬â„¢s sense of communists was the actual understanding of Marxism because of the element of internationalism (Hoffman et al., 1981). Foreign policy of the Soviet Union is often held responsible with compromising on ideology relative to the need for integrating into the global political identity, which was primarily for economic motives. Soviet pragmatism aimed at gaining trade rights by providing capitalist nations with access to the country’s natural resources (Kull, 1992). This policy was driven by

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Land Law (case study) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Land Law ( ) - Case Study Example Whether a restrictive covenant could bind future owners of property is a matter in which judicial discretion has to be applied, based on the circumstances of the case and its legal surroundings. However, in the leading case of Tulk v Moxhay (1832) (1848) CB 430 (HL), the facts read as follows. The owners of land in Leicester Square had covenanted with local landlords not to allow development in the park zone. However, when the park was sold off, the new purchaser, albeit aware of the restrictive covenant, wished to build on it. The Court held that it would be inequitable for him to do so. . The aspect of "restrictive covenant "that was seen in the case of Tulk v. Moxhay 1848 and is said that the burden of a covenant which was restrictive in nature could run with the land', despite privity of contract. (Tulk v Moxhay (1848). 2006). Overriding interests: Under the laws of registered conveyancing, when a person purchases a legal interest in land, he would normally be bound by any third party interests in that land, save and except, when it is registered, or deemed to constitute 'overriding interests.' It has been seen that 'overriding interests' are a significant danger zone for any purchaser of registered title, since, although it does not appear in the register, it is able to influence the title of the purchaser, whether he was aware of it or not. Currently, there are four types of overriding interests and they are with regard to: Local land charges Easement and profits Short term legal leases Property rights of a person in actual occupation. Moreover, under Sch. 3 Para 3, the scope for only legal easements and legal profits are available. Therefore, interalia, easement or profits endured for life of party do not constitute 'overriding interests' and therefore do not fall within the scope of being bound by such interests.(Overriding Interests and Minor Interests: Overriding interests, p.121-122). Thus, by application of the above legal interpretation regarding interests that has been deemed to have been vested by Algernon to Chris through a 'tenant for life' deal for storing fishing gear in Algernon's land for life is not tenable in a Court of Law since it does not satisfy the criteria of 'overriding interests.' Frank may not be bound by the interest of Beatrice. Case 3: In 2000 he granted his niece, Denise, in consideration of 5, an option to purchase number 12 for 275,000, on the giving of one month's notice, within 10 years. Laws surrounding options: An option to purchase land, or chattel is documented through a covenant which facilitates the purchase of the property by the buyer to the seller within a specified time and for a specific amount. Therefore, it could be considered to be an interest in land and needs to be protected by an entry in the Register.

Consider bauman's idea that central features of modernity underpinned Essay

Consider bauman's idea that central features of modernity underpinned the possibility and actuality of the holocaust - Essay Example Out of job, Bauman had enough spare time in his hands and completed his masters in philosophy from Warsaw University where he remained as a lecturer till 1968. With the outbreak of public protests in Poland against the ruling communist government and subsequent fanning of anti-Semitic sentiments by the government to deflect public criticism, Bauman shifted to Leeds University after briefly teaching in Tel Aviv University. Bauman faced anti-Semitic sentiments twice in his life and both were from non-Nazi state machinery. This experience led him to form an opinion that modernity, bureaucracy and social exclusion creates a situation where an extreme phobia against those social groups that cannot be neatly categorised and slotted into predetermined and well established hierarchical superstructure prevalent in the society. This in essence is the beginning of a potential holocaust that will inevitably result if this xenophobic attitude towards those social sub-groups that cannot be effectively analysed according to existing social norms is not brought under control. Such social mores can be brought under control only if the authority is aware of the potential dangers and initiates strong measures to counter such a mass phobia against so-called outsiders. History, however, has witnessed several instances of cynical exploitation of the deep seated distrust among Europeans against so-called killers of Christ by governments of several European nations, Poland and Soviet Russia being the main culprits, to further their narrow and selfish class interests. Bauman has worked extensively on these issues where he has clearly laid bare the intrinsic interconnection between modern society where people wilfully forego several facets of personal freedom (both in the realm of actions and in thoughts) and the inherent distrust of the ‘outsider’ who does not conform to the established mores of the society. His contention is

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Plato and the Development of the Academy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Plato and the Development of the Academy - Essay Example This goes on to illustrate his logical reasoning and rational approach towards the underlying focus of all his ideas, that is, ethics (Encyclopedia Britannica 2008). It was his work that enabled Euclid to form his systematic approach to mathematics (JOC/EFR 1999). The Academy of Plato, or the Platonic School, is a major topic to be discussed when discussing Plato and his contributions to the field of philosophy, because it was through this institution that he was able to impart his doctrines and ideas to his students, and it formed an important part of his intellectual life where he devoted many years as its Head. He worth and merit of this institution can be judged from the fact that such thinkers and philosophers like Aristotle, Xenocrates and Eudoxus of Cnidus were members and heads of the Academy. However, there are some issues related to the Academy and its concept as we may have today that need to be discussed first in order to form a better and accurate understanding of its workings and its personality. The place where Plato taught was a park in Athens that was named after a mythical and legendary ancient Greek hero called Academus, or Hecademus, with a wall surrounding it and encompassing a grove of olive trees, and a river flowing nearby to make the dry land fertile (University of St Andrews 2004). Before Plato started teaching there, it was dedicated to gymnastics, sports events, funeral activities and other festivals (University of St Andrews 2004). Around 387 B.C., Plato, who had a house and a garden nearby, began teaching in the park to a group of interested students, and this gathering of intellectuals, teaching and learning, took the name of Academia, or the modern Academy, from the park, and hence, indirectly, from Academus (University of St Andrews 2004). Therefore, it can be seen that the Academy had no connection with a physical place of learning, as the modern concept of the term Academy denotes, nor does it refers to a school of strict and formulated learning where a set curriculum is imparted according to the doctrines of the Head. In fact, the place it self had nothing to do with teaching or learning, as mentioned earlier, but was a place of gymnastics and other athletics. The School, that is the body of scholars who adhered to the Platonic way of thinking, was continued to be called Academy even after it was shifted to Alexandria (The Catholic Encyclopedia 1911). Another aspect that needs to be cleared is that the Academy was not dominated by Plato, even though he was the founder and the Head of the institution, and he did not inject his doctrines into his students like would happen in a modern academy where students adhere to a fixed concept. The

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Management Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management - Personal Statement Example I do not like dealing with impersonal reasoning since I do not understand or appreciate its merit, and am unhappy in situations where I am forced to deal with logic and facts without any connection to a human element. My main interest in life is giving love, support, and a good time to other people. I am focused on understanding, supporting, and encouraging others. I make things happen for people, and get my best personal satisfaction from this. I lead through personal enthusiasm and take a participative stance in managing people and projects. I am responsive to followers' needs. I challenge the organization to make actions congruent with values and inspire change. I may best be described as a smooth-talking persuader.I am a natural when it comes to motivating people --- even motivating them to do something they may not initially have wanted to do. My focus and direction is toward other people and I am highly skilled in understanding others' needs and motivations. I have the capacity to size up a situation intuitively, and in a very caring and concerned way, say just the right thing.This is part of my success as a leader. I usually know just what the group needs or how to reach the group's goal. I believe that the most important goal of education is to learn how to get along with different kinds of people. I am interested in literature and tolerant of theory. I do my best thinking aloud, bouncing ideas off others and achieve through perseverance and hard work. I want learning to pertain to human values and growth. My Conflict Style I tend to become pessimistic and self-critical, and turn patronizing at times. I sometimes insist on maintaining the illusion of harmony, although people know there's a major problem at hand. I constantly search for the "truth" that will explain everything. Some stressors for me include having my beliefs challenged, being unfairly or harshly Surname 3 criticized by someone I trust or hold dear, and people who are unwilling to try to resolve personal differences. Part of the problem can be self-inflicted. I sometimes misinterpret the actions of others as having negative intentions or the start of something bad. My Preferred Leadership Practice A great part of my leadership style is what I actually prefer, and this is due to my deep self-awareness. The high emotional quotient of a leader is still what I believe to be the greatest aspect of successful leadership. However, I want to focus on being more "informing" than "directing". The directing style is inclined to "urge ask, tell."It is more on "moving forward" and it sounds "definite."The informing style, on the other hand, tends to "describe, explain, inquire, inform."It is "eliciting, open, flowing." Everyone prefers and naturally appreciates clear communications --- true leadership is "role-directing," meaning a comfort degree with telling other people what to do. My Personal Beliefs "Rascals" of different organisations nowadays operate from the line of reasoning that all is fair, depending on who acts on or thinks of it first. Those with high ethical standards have the additional edge of reliable and committed staff who do their best for their clients and the organisation. Success can come by means of shortcut and callousness, but it means more when it is gained through ethical conduct. Organisational ethics

Sunday, September 22, 2019

W.E.B. Du Bois Philosphy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

W.E.B. Du Bois Philosphy - Essay Example In 1909, Du Bois was chosen to be among the co-founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Du Bois had strong philosophies that advocated for the blacks to be given leadership roles and ways to finish class and racial prejudices. He campaigned for political action and for the civil rights agendas using the Crisis magazine to inform the black Americans. Social change is one of the philosophies of Du Bois that is revealed in the NAACP: Rise of the Crisis, Decline of the Wizard that was published by David Levering Lewis. Du Bois argued that individuals could accomplish social changes by creating various small groups of the college educated blacks that he referred as the Talented Tenth. The leader believed that the Negro Race would be saved by their exceptional men like all the other races. He noted that the issue of education among the Negroes was first dealing with the Talented Tenth. Du Bois noted that dealing with the best in their race would provide guidance to the masses away from death and contamination of the worst (Lewis, 35-38). The philosophies of Du Bois were expressed in the early issues of the Crisis Magazine when the leader stated that his main objective was to state facts and the arguments that display the danger of racial discrimination particularly the way it was manifested towards the colored people. The crisis magazine derived its name from believes of Du Bois who was the editor, that it was a critical time in history for the advancement of men. Du Bois expressed his philosophies when he decided that the editorial page would stand for the privileges of men, regardless of their race or color, for the utmost ideals of the American democracy, and for reasonable and persistent efforts to achieve the rights and apprehend the ideals (Rabaka, 50-55). Booker T. Washington was another great leader among the black community in the late 20th century who had various disagreements with Du Bois

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Chinese government Essay Example for Free

Chinese government Essay Ai WeiWei blurred the lines between the aesthetic and the political. According to the internet, aesthetic is defined as concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. Ai WeiWei used art to â€Å"protest† against the Chinese government. Ai Weiwei was a creative man who thought of ideas how to represent the names of all the children who were killed in a deadly earthquake. A commentator in the movie claimed that Ai WeiWei was doing a job that the government should be doing. A deadly earthquake collapsed many buildings including homes and schools. Thousands of children were killed and were left unrecognized. Ai WeiWei wasn’t going to let this go. He assembled a project, full of volunteers to help him search for the names of the children who were killed in the disaster. He placed every individual name on his wall. The project inspired him to create more pieces of art work to revolt against the Chinese government. Ai WeiWei was a fearless man. Ai WeiWei was very involved with social media. He used twitter to share to the world how corrupt China’s government was. He left China when he said â€Å"Fuck You Mother Land. † Cameras are sometimes forbidden in China. Ai WeiWei was assaulted by a police officer, but that did not stop him from taking pictures in front court houses or of an officer who was at the scene when he was attacked. Ai WeiWei created a wall full of back packs to make other individuals aware of the children that died in the earthquake. During the 2nd anniversary, Ai WeiWei asked his followers to pick a name and record it on tape and share it to the world. Ai WeiWei was sharing his experience in China of the corrupt government with thousands of people around the world. Ai WeiWei made people aware of what was going on in China. Ai WeiWei became well-known through his work of art. He expressed his ideas through his work. Not only did his art make him well-known, Ai WeiWei captured many supporters to revolt against the corrupt system. Ai WeiWei was a man with no selfishness. He looked out for others and he was always looking and searching for ideas that would help him and his followers. Ai WeiWei was not afraid of the consequences, as long as he knew it was for the good.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Business Plan Of Slice Bakery Management Essay

Business Plan Of Slice Bakery Management Essay Introduction Slice Bakery and Juices is a start up juice and bakery retail establishment located in down town Nairobi. Slice bakers expects to catch the interest of a regular loyal customer base with its wide variety of fresh juices and freshly baked cakes and bread. Slice Bakery and Juices plans to construct a strong market position in the city due to the partners industry experience in the area. The establishment aims to offer its services and products at a reasonably competitive price to meet the demand of the middle and high area residents and tourists. The Company Slice Bakery and Juices is incorporated in the city of Nairobi. It is equally owned and managed by its three partners. Mr. David Williams has extensive experience in marketing, sales and management and was the vice chairman of Eveready Batteries and Harper foods. Mr. Arnold Mwangi is experienced in finance and administration and was previously the chief financial officer with both Luigis Cafà © and Willy Pastries. Mrs. Felicia Wanjiku is a well respected pastry chef with vast knowledge and experience in the field, she formerly worked at Lagoon beach resort in the Kenyan coast as the head pastry chef. The organization intends to hire 2 full time pastry cooks and four part time baristas to serve customers and perform the day to day operations. Products and Services Slice Bakery and Juices offers a vast range of freshly made fruit and vegetable juice varieties that are brought into the city from various parts of the continent. The company caters to all of its customers by serving each of them a carefully made drink that is specifically tailored to the customers order. The bakery side of the company provides a wide array of freshly prepared bread and cake varieties at all times during business hours. Ten to twelve moderately sized batches of assorted bread and cakes are prepared during the day to assure the availability of freshly baked products at all times. The Market The Fresh juice industry in Nairobi has recently experienced very fast growth. The worm equatorial temperature in Nairobi stimulates the regular consumption of cool drinks. Slice Bakery and Juices wants to establish a large regular customer base and it will achieve this by concentrating its marketing and business on local residents, which will be the organizations target market. This will create a healthy, stable revenue base that will ensure the stability of Slice Bakery. In addition tourists are expected to comprise aproximately25% of the total revenue collected. Good visibility and competitive products and services are crucial in order to capture this segment of the market. Financial Considerations Slice Bakery and Juices is expected to raise $90,000 of its own capital and to borrow $110,000 guaranteed by the National Bank of Kenya s a ten year loan. The company anticipates sales of around $485,000 in the first year, $570,000 in the second year and $660,000 in the third year. The organization should break even by the fourth month of business as it steadily increases its revenue. Profits for this period are anticipated to be approximately $12,000 in year one, $31,000 by year two and $48,000 by year three. Slice bakers does not expect cash flow problems Mission Slice Bakery and Juices aims to offer high quality fresh juice and pastry products at a reasonable price to meet the demand of middle and high income area residents and tourists. Keys to Success The following are needed to make Slice Bakers and Juices a success: Provide the highest possible quality product with excellent customer services. Competitive pricing. COMPANY SUMMARY Slice Bakery and Juices is a bakery and juice shop managed by three partners. These partners represent sales management and financeadministration food and beverage. The partners will provide capital from their own savings which will cover up the start up expenses and also provide a safety net for the first few months of business. A ten year small business administration loan will cover the remaining costs. Slice Bakery and Juices plans to build a small market position within the city due to the mild competition in the business area of Nairobi. Company Ownership Slice Bakery and Juices is incorporated in the city of Nairobi. It is equally owned by its three partners. Start Up Summary Slice Bakery and Juices financing will come from the partners capital and the ten year loan from the National Bank of Kenya. The following diagram and table below illustrate the organizations projected initial start up costs. Start-Up Requirements Start up expenses: Legal- $2,000 Premise Renovation- $25,000 Expensed equipment- $37,000 Other- $1,000 Total start-up expenses- $65,000 Start-Up Assets Cash Required- $63,000 Other current assets- $10,000 Long term assets-$65,000 Total assets- $138,000 Total Requirements- $208,000 Funding Start up expenses- $65,000 Start-Up Assets $138,000 Total funding needed- $208,000 Assets Non-cash assets from start-up- $65,000 Cash requirements from start-up- $73,000 Total assets- $138,000 Liabilities and capital liabilities Current borrowing- $0 Long tem liabilities $110,000 Accounts payable- $900 Other current liabilities- $0 Total liabilities- $110,900 Capital Planned investment Mr. David Williams- 30,300 Mr. Arnold Mwangi- 30,300 Mrs. Felicia Wanjiku- 30,300 Other- $0 Additional required investment- $0 Total Planned investment- $90,900 Loss at start up (start-up expenses) $65,000 Total capital- $25,900 Total capital and liabilities- $135,900 Total funding- $208,000 PRODUCTS Slice Bakery and Juices offers a vast range of juices all from a good quality farms in Africa. The organization caters for its customers by providing them with juice made to suite their individual needs. The bakery provides freshly made pastries and baked products at all times during business hours. Ten to twelve moderately sized batches of various breads and cakes are prepared during the day to assure the availability of freshly baked products at all times. MARKET ANALYSIS SUMMARY Slice Bakery and Juices main focus is on meeting the growing demand of a regular local resident customer demographic, as well as a number of visiting tourists that pass through the area. Market Segmentation Slice Bakery and Juices focuses on the upper and middle income markets, this particular market segment consumes the majority of baked and pastry products. Local Residents Slice Bakery and Juices wants to establish a large regular customer base. This will establish reliable and consistent revenue to ensure stability of the establishment. Tourists Tourists are expected to comprise aproximately25% of the total revenue collected. Good visibility and competitive quality products and services are crucial in order to capture this market segment. Market Analysis The previous chart and table outline the total market potential of the above customer segments Target Market Segment Strategy The dominant selected market for Slice Bakery and Juices is a regular flow of local residents. Personal and respectful customer service at a competitive price is the key in maintaining the local market share. Market Needs Since Nairobi has a worm climate for most of the year, cool drinks are very much in demand. Much of the days activity occurs in the morning just before 9:30am with a steady flow for the rest of the day. Service Business Analysis The Fresh juice industry in Nairobi has recently experienced very fast growth. The worm equatorial temperature in Nairobi stimulates the regular consumption of cool drinks. Juice Drinkers in the greater Nairobi city area are finicky about the quality of Juice offered at the numerous Fruit stalls across the area. Despite low competition in the current areal, Slice Bakery and Juices will be located at a place where customers can enjoy a glass of freshly made fruit/vegetable juice with freshly baked cakes in a relaxing environment. Competition and Buying Patterns Competition in the area is relatively sparse and does not nearly provide the quality of products and customer services as Slice Bakery and Juices. Local area customers are looking for a high quality product in a peaceful atmosphere. Leading competitors purchase and squeeze an array of fruits from around the world, make fruit and vegetable salads, a variety of pastries in quality packages and a line of premium packed cocktail drinks(both alcoholic and non-alcoholic). In addition to the companies sales through company operated retail shops Large chain companies vary their product mix depending on the size of each individual store and its location. Larger stores carry a wide selection of fresh juices in various sizes, flavor and types of packaging, as well as an assortment of fruits and fruit blending equipment and accessories. Smaller shops and kiosks generally sell a full line of Juice varieties, a limited selection of alcohol fruit cocktails and a few more accessories. Technologically conversant competitors make fruit juices and fruit related products conveniently available via the internet or mail order. Websites that allow online stores that allow customers to browse and purchase the companys vast array of products and service. STRATERGY AND IMPLIMENTATION SUMMERY Slice Bakery and Juices will eventually succeed by offering consumers high quality juices, bread and pastries with personal service at a reasonable and competitive price. Competitive Edge Slice Bakery and Juices is the relatively low level of competition in the city area targeting this particular demographic. Sales Strategy As the graphs below show, Slice Bakery and Juices expects sales of about $485,000 in the first year, $570,000 in the second year and $660,000 in the third year. C:Documents and SettingsChifMy DocumentswORK_ONLINE2a22e7554c0a4224b23f7935f16cfd66.png C:Documents and SettingsChifMy DocumentswORK_ONLINEgraph.png Sales Forecast Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Unit Sales Juices 135,000 148,500 163,350 Pastry Items 86,000 94,600 104,060 Other 0 0 0 Total Unit Sales 221,000 243,100 267,410 Unit Prices Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Juices $3.00 $3.15 $3.31 Pastry Items $1.00 $1.05 $1.10 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sales Juices $405,000 $467,775 $540,280 Pastry Items $86,000 $99,330 $114,726 Other $0 $0 $0 Total Sales $491,000 $567,105 $655,006 Direct Unit Costs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Juices $0.25 $0.26 $0.28 Pastry Items $0.50 $0.53 $0.55 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Direct Cost of Sales Juices $33,750 $38,981 $45,023 Pastry Items $43,000 $49,665 $57,363 Other $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $76,750 $88,646 $102,386 Management Summary Mr. David Williams has extensive experience in marketing, sales and management and was the vice chairman of Eveready Batteries and Harper foods. Mr. Arnold Mwangi is experienced in finance and administration and was previously the chief financial officer with both Luigis Cafà © and Willy Pastries. Mrs. Felicia Wanjiku is a well respected pastry chef with vast knowledge and experience in the field, she formerly worked at Lagoon beach resort in the Kenyan coast as the head pastry chef. Personnel Plan As the personnel plan illustrates,  Slice Bakery and Juices expects to make significant investments in sales, sales support, and product development personnel. Managers $100,000 $105,000 $110,250 Pastry Bakers $40,800 $42,840 $44,982 Baristas $120,000 $126,000 $132,300 Other $0 $0 $0 Total People 10 10 10 Total Payroll $260,800 $273,840 $287,532 Financial Plan Slice Bakery and Juices expects to raise $90,900  of its own capital, and to borrow $110,000 guaranteed by  the National Bank of Kenya as a ten-year loan.  This provides the bulk of the current financing required. Break-even Analysis Slice Bakery and Juices Break-even Analysis is based on the basic average of the first-year  figures for total sales by units, and by operating costs. These are presented as per-unit revenue, per-unit price, and fixed costs.  These conservative assumptions make room for a more accurate estimate of real risk. Slice Bakery and Juices should break even by the  fourth month of its operation as it slowly  increases its sales. Break-even Analysis Monthly Units Break-even 17,255 Monthly Revenue Break-even $38,336 Assumptions: Average Per-Unit Revenue $2.22 Average Per-Unit Variable Cost $0.35 Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $32,343 Projected Profit and Loss As the Profit and Loss table shows,  Slice Bakery and Juices expects to continue its  steady rise in  profitability over the next three years of business. Pro Forma Profit and Loss Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales $491,000 $567,105 $655,006 Direct Cost of Sales $76,750 $88,646 $102,386 Other $0 $0 $0 Total Cost of Sales $76,750 $88,646 $102,386 Gross Margin $414,250 $478,459 $552,620 Gross Margin % 84.37% 84.37% 84.37% Expenses Payroll $260,800 $273,840 $287,532 Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses $27,000 $35,200 $71,460 Depreciation $60,000 $69,000 $79,350 Utilities $1,200 $1,260 $1,323 Payroll Taxes $39,120 $41,076 $43,130 Other $0 $0 $0 Total Operating Expenses $388,120 $420,376 $482,795 Profit Before Interest and Taxes $26,130 $58,083 $69,825 EBITDA $86,130 $127,083 $149,175 Interest Expense $10,000 $9,500 $8,250 Taxes Incurred $3,111 $12,146 $15,650 Net Profit $13,019 $36,437 $45,925 Net Profit/Sales 2.65% 6.43% 7.01%

Thursday, September 19, 2019

James Meredith and the University of Mississippi’s Integration Essay

James Meredith and the University of Mississippi’s Integration When a person presently looks at university school systems, one never imagines the struggle to obtain such diverse campuses. With Caucasians, Asians, Latinos, and African Americans all willing and able to attend any institution, it is difficult now to envision a world where, because of one’s skin color, a person is denied university acceptance. In actuality, this world existed only fifty years ago. In a time of extreme racial discrimination, African Americans fought and struggled toward one of many goals: to integrate schools. As a pioneer in the South, a man named James Meredith took a courageous step by applying to the University of Mississippi, an all white university. After overcoming many legal and social obstacles, the University of Mississippi’s integration sent positive effects rippling among universities across the nation. As a native Mississippian, James Meredith honestly lived and worked all of his life. After serving nine years in the United States Air Force, Meredith wholeheartedly absorbed John F. Kennedy’s ideals on â€Å"civil rights† and decided to apply to the University of Mississippi (Howard 1060). Upon applying, Meredith knew that if accepted, he would be the first African American student to attend the University of Mississippi. Deep in the heart of the South, the state of Mississippi prided itself on its all white campuses and resistence toward integration. Little did they know that James Meredith, an uprising civil rights activist, would pull a racial chord in the university that would change it for lifetimes to come. From past observations, acceptance into â€Å"Ole Miss† appeared impossible for an African American. With â€Å"[f]our known... ...Sept. 1962: 1. Buckley, Thomas. â€Å"Tear Gas and Sticks Repel Wild Student Charges.† New York Times 1 Oct. 1962: 23. Cohodas, Nadine. â€Å"James Meredith and the Integration of Ole Miss.† The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education 16 (Summer, 1997): 112-22. Howard, William L.. â€Å"Meredith, James Howard.† The African American Encyclopedia. 1993. â€Å"Meredith’s Fight for Admission to University Spans 16 Months.† New York Times 1 Oct. 1962: 25. â€Å"Mississippi Rejoins the Union.† New York Times 1 Oct 1962: 30. Sitton, Claude. â€Å"Negro At Mississippi U. As Barnett Yields; 3 Dead In Campus Riot, 6 Marshals Shot; Guardsmen Move In; Kennedy Makes Plea.† New York Times 1 Oct. 1962: 1. Smith, Hendrick. â€Å"Johnson Is Fined.† New York Times 30 Sept. 1962: 1.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The It Girl - Clara Bow :: essays research papers

The It Girl – Clara Bow   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Imagine it – all the rules you were raised to follow, all the beliefs and norms, everything conventional, shattered. Now imagine It – Clara Bow, the It Girl. The epitome of the avant-garde woman, the archetype of the flapper, was America’s new, young movie actress of the 1920’s. Modern women of the day took heed to Bow’s fresh style and, in turn, yielded danger to the conventional America. Yet Bow’s contagious and popular attitude came with its weaknesses - dealing with fame and the motion picture industry in the 1920’s. Despite this ultimate downfall, Clara’s flair reformed the youth and motion pictures of her time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dubbed by Fitzgerald as â€Å"the quintessence of what the term ‘flapper’ signifies,† Clara Bow served as the model for all flappers. A flapper was the new woman; attractive, sassy, â€Å"worldly-wise, and briefly clad.† The flapper took on an impish and tomboyish, at lead for their time, attitude. They danced on tables, rendering the recklessness of the new youth. But modern women proved to be a danger for the conventionalism of America. They influenced the change on women’s rights, what was considered moral, and what was considered appropriate for women. These issues had previously been for making a timid woman; upon the coming of the modern woman, these issues made for a modernist female.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clara Bow’s fame did not leave her nature tainted, in a sense. She did not become spoiled or uppity. She remained rather self-less and ignorant to fame and those in its power. Her impudent attitude never faltered; she continued to live as the â€Å"chewing-gum-smacking eight-grade drop-out kid,† unaware of convention. Hey psychological welfare, though, was greatly affected. She was institutionalized, slit her wrists and throat, and eventually became the embodiment of an actress-gone-bad; booze, men, gambling, drugs, and insomnia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clara’s experience with the motion picture industry gives us a picture of what it was like in the 1920’s. It was new and intriguing, enticing and corrupt. The motion picture industry underpaid Bow, which is almost inconceivable today. The environment of Hollywood now pays actors and actresses corpulent amounts of money...but that may be the only change. The â€Å"star-maker† environment is still as enticing and corrupt as yesterday’s.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

abuse :: essays research papers

Its natural for children to be raised in a warm and loving home and growing up in a nice environment ,but in todays society that is not what our children get to experience. On Feb. 14th,Albany police removed three unattended children from a home on Sheridan Ave.. Conditions in the apartment included rats and mice running around. Feces clogged the bathtub and squalor throughout the apartment and endangered the safety of the children. The children were taken and removed quickly from the apartment and placed in a caring household. Police told reporters that they had been at the house for three months earlier on November 4th, however, caseworkers found conditions better than what they were on the 14th. The apartment was warm and clean and also had food. The mother told caseworkers she was to get foodstamps the next day but caseworkers insisted on getting some more food . On Dec. 6th, the mother visited the office of child protection services with her children. She was offered assistance and told them she needed some help. At no time, however, the caseworkers note the condition in the house that justified the removal of the children. The county is required to do everything possible to keep a family together . This story is still being looked into, but as of now the children are staying in a warm home. This is strictly child abuse, not much as hitting but neglect. These children were left for days without food, water, baths, or a place to use the restroom. It is said each day in the United States, more than three children die as a result of child neglect and/or abuse. Most of the children who die are younger than the age of five. These children are innocent and have done nothing wrong, but the mother seemed not to be able to take care of them. Child abuse is reported on average every ten seconds, and these types of abuse are as follow, Neglect- 53.5percent, Physical Abuse- 22.7percent, Sexual Abuse-11.5percent, Emotional Abuse-6percent,and Medical Abuse 6percent. The statistics say that neglect is the number one abuse that children experience. Parents are not understanding when a child is abused, it effects their whole life, and it will stay with them forever. Men and women who today are serving time in jail and prison have incidence of

Avalon Destorying

A sense of belonging Is what all teenagers seek out wealth high school. Destroying Valor by Kate MacAfee takes us through the Journey of the main character Valor, her move to a new school and her struggle to make friends. All the characters within the novel seem to be struggling for a sense of belonging, making it a strong theme of the novel.Valor, Jukes and Alice are the three main characters who all face with the dilemma of belonging and being accepted. In regards to Valor it is her need to progress forward socially which only ends when she develops a strong sense of belonging in the Z group. However with Jukes the desire to belong never ends, her cyber bullying campaign is only a means for her to gain a sense of belonging with her online followers.Alice on the other hand has to maintain her position and sense of longing always following the example of the other girls In her group by bulling the students below her socially. It Is through Valor that the need to belong and be accepte d Is first presented. Valor within the novel moves from a place where she Is â€Å"captain of the hockey team and member of the swimming squad† to a school where she is stuck in the Z group of â€Å"Queers and Weirdoes†. She is constantly in the beginning of the novel trying to get out of the bottom group so that she no longer has toBullying is a problem that seems to have become more vicious with the invention of social networking technology. The novel Destroying Valor by Kate MacAfee explores the theme of cyber bullying and its consequences through the character Marshall. Marshall Is the best friends of the main character in the novel, Valor; It Is she who Is Initially cyber bullied however the focus shifts to Marshal during the novel. Marshall, who Is confused about his sexuality, Is unable to cope with the bullying and In the end

Monday, September 16, 2019

Cost-Quality Relationship Essay

There are three types of costs when quality considerations are made: Appraisal Costs, Prevention Costs, and Failure Costs. These costs are affiliated with the efforts of process improvement and are also known as quality costs or cost of quality. Appraisal costs are associated with measuring, evaluating or auditing products and services to satisfy quality and performance requirements set by the company. Examples of this cost include inspection and testing of purchases material, final inspections, audits for products and services, and testing equipment. Prevention costs are associated with all activities designed to prevent and stop poor quality in the products and services provided to the customers. Examples of this cost include new product review, supplier surveys, capability evaluations, improvement projects, education and training. Failure costs result from products and services that did not meet the quality standards and requirements set by the company. They divided into two categories: Internal Failure Costs and External Failure Costs. Internal failure costs occur before delivery and shipment of product and/or before services are performed to the customer. Examples of this cost include scrap,  rework, retesting, re-inspecting, reviewing the material and downgrading. External failure costs occur after delivery and during or after providing the service to the customer. Examples of this cost include reviewing and processing customer complaints, customer returns, claims based on warranty, and recalls. The total quality costs are the sum of the appraisal, prevention, and failure costs. This will represent the difference between the actual costs of the product and/or service. The trade-offs between the appraisal, prevention, and failure costs are relevant. Some believe when the prevention costs are increased , the appraisal and failure costs will decrease substantially. This means that the total costs will be lower. Others say that if they spend too much on quality, it will reduce the money available for other projects such as upgrades to technology.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Junior High School Essay

The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior high school, and two years of Senior high school) to provide sufficient time for tmastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare garduaes for the tertiary education, middle-levels skills development, employment, and entreprenuership. The K+12 educational program is perceived by the Aquino administration as the â€Å"long term solution to poverty. † This program aims to give every student a quality education that will make them globally competitive. This will be done by decongesting the curricilum and using quality materials for learning such as textbooks. Aside from this, high quality teacher will be given priority. High standards will also be set in Mathematics, English and Science in all levels. Thus eliminating the perception the highschool education is preparatory for college. ISSUES AND CONCERNS One of the major campaign platform of Pres. Aquino is the K to 12 educational program and it is also one of the most controversial initiatives. On May 15, President Aquino signed into law the program mandating Filipino pupils to attend kindergarten, six years of elementary school education, four years of junior high school and two years of senior high school. The signing officially ended the country’s 10-year basic education cycle, which now exists only in Angola and Djibouti. K to 12 hopes to decongest the curriculum, by spreading lessons over 12 years, instead of cramming them into 10. K to 12 hopes to do away with college remedial classes, by improving the quality of high-school instruction. K to 12 hopes to protect the rights of Filipino children who, at 18, are legally and emotionally still kids, unprepared for work or university.. Some problems that abound with K to 12: Lack of family, school, government resources; the herculean task of implementation; the need to address more urgent concerns such as early and massive dropouts. Many schools are currently not ready for Grades 11 and 12. Aside from lack of classrooms, their teachers are not trained to handle higher-level subjects, like calculus for students who want to major in the sciences in university. K to 12 would be far more difficult to implement in already overcrowded and poorly equipped public schools, where many teachers are insufficiently trained, classes are often held in multiple shifts and most students struggle to make ends meet. The biggest problem of K to 12 has always been, and will always be, the cost. Even if public education is free, families have to spend for transportation and supplies. An additional two years is a burden for most Filipino families, who want their children to finish school quickly so they can work.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Comparing Sonny’s Blues to the Cathedral

1. Is Patrick lonely? In my opinion, I feel as though the boy is lonely, living in such a remote and desolate place, with only his father to spend his time with. For example Ondaatje says, â€Å"He was born into a region which did not appear on a map until 1910, though his family had worked there for twenty hears and the land had been homesteaded since 1816. In the school atlas the place is pale green and nameless. The river slips out of an unnamed lake†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (10-11).Patrick’s characteristics makes him seem sad or withdrawn from society, for he spends his time gazing out the window searching for bugs. Ondaatje exclaims, â€Å"He walks back into the bright kitchen and moves from window to window to search out the moths pinioned against the screens, clinging to the brightness†¦ Bugs, plant hoppers, grasshoppers, rust-dark moths†¦throughout the summer he records their visits and sketches the repeaters â€Å" (9). I feel bad for Patrick, that his only companio ns are the bugs flying around his house, in search for light.Although Patrick does have his father, his dad doesn’t pay him any attention, unless they are working together. Ondaatje says, â€Å"Hazen Lewis was an abashed man, withdrawn from the world around him, uninterested in the habits of civilization outside his own focus. He would step up to his horse and assume it, as if it were a train, as if flesh and blood did not exist† (15). It would be rough to grow up in that kind of unloving environment. It would be difficult to feel you had to earn your love.For Patrick’s father, only praises him when they are successful at work. For example, Ondaatje says, â€Å"They begin to run back home, looking behind them to see if the cow is following. The boy gasps, ‘If she goes into the ice again I’m not doing a thing’ ‘Neither am I’ yells his father, laughing† (16). The only part in the story when the boys Father demonstrates warmt h and kindness towards his son, is when they save the cow from drowning. The fathers introverted attitude, makes me question how he became so incredibly withdrawn from society.It makes me wonder what happened to his wife. Did she die? Is that the reason why he chooses to act so distant from his son? Does he remind him of her? Patrick’s absent mother also makes me question if that is the reason why Patrick is so quite and reclusive, like his father. With Patrick’s mother missing from his life and Patrick’s father uncommunicative, it causes him to live a very lonely, unhappy, and solitary life. 3. Patrick’s unloving and solitary environment is the reason for his unhappiness.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Marketing strategy (bringing StarBuck to Trinidad and Tobago) Research Paper

Marketing strategy (bringing StarBuck to Trinidad and Tobago) - Research Paper Example Starbucks has successfully created its position as the best place for socializing other than office and home. The only way to enter the new markets is to implement the same global marketing strategy that it has been following for each of its expansion plan. Hence, it should slowly enter the markets of Trinidad and Tobago so that the customers in the region accept the concept of specialty coffee shops and enjoy the amazing ambiance of the outlet. ... The primary aim of Starbucks is to establish itself as â€Å"a highly respected and recognized brand in the international market† (Starbucks, 2012). Situational Analysis of Starbucks Current Marketing strategy After careful analysis of the marketing strategies highlighted by Michael Porter, cited by Alison (2010), Starbucks is following a differentiation strategy. Initially, the main element of its business activities was to focus on particular aspects with strong emphasis on creating differentiated products within the target consumer market. However, the company soon realized that it needs to strengthen its position in the market by developing a differentiation strategy and the success of Starbucks is evident from the fact that it has developed an excellent marketing mix for its customers. In order to expand its operations in the international market, it is offering same â€Å"coffee experience† to the international customers by providing them premium quality products and aesthetically designed ambiance (Tu, Wang & Chang, 2012). It has ensured that there is uniformity in its marketing activities by using only third party mediums for promoting its product and service offerings. According to Michelli (2007), Starbucks has allocated only 4% of its total cost on the advertising budget. One of the key elements of differentiation strategy is to introduce new and innovative products in the market and Starbucks has been exceeding its customers’ expectations by offering them products that are totally different from existing ones (Parayani, 2011). The innovation element of its marketing strategy gives it a competitive edge in the specialty coffee industry. In order to ensure that it develops entirely new offerings, a huge amount of money is invested in

Thursday, September 12, 2019

INTASC principle #5 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

INTASC principle #5 - Assignment Example Artifact: A classroom (kitchen) activity that helps students use technology and social interaction to create warm or cold fruit desserts. The lesson involves INTASC principle #5 of behavior and motivation. Character Education: This artifact represents the teacher's mastery of INTASC principle # 5 because it displays the teacher's ability to use classroom management principles in order to increase student participation and motivation, thus create a more positive interaction and relationship among students. It also helps students learn how to be accountable to individual and group behaviors, thus promote a goal-directed learning in the classroom. The students will be asked to read and incorporate in the group activity the verse from Philippians 2:4 â€Å"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.† The main classroom management plan that is used for this activity is based on the principle of active student involvement. Students are ta sked to use the internet to search for kitchen safety rules and kitchen hazards. This is necessary prior to the kitchen activity itself. The students, in their groups, will talk about how to implement the safety precautions in the kitchen. Each group will be tasked to oversee a particular safety precaution they discussed in the classroom, and they will be responsible for ensuring that it is maintained throughout the whole kitchen activity. Each group will have a different kitchen safety precaution to manage. Through this activity, the students will be able to use technology to do their own research. Also, they will experience the importance of team work and active engagement in group interactions. Furthermore, giving the students the feeling of being trusted to determine kitchen rules for their activity could increase their sense of motivation. Reflection: I think that this lesson is very engaging for students because it involves everyone in a class activity that promotes positive t eam/group work. It also lets the students experience how it is to be responsible both for themselves and for others. My role here as a teacher is to look for means where students will have constant interaction through social engagement and make them see how important these are to make the group work successful. One area that needs to be addressed in this activity is the English communication skills of the non-native speakers of English. Another is the inclusion of children with disabilities in the group activity. Even though the class was divided evenly according to various ethnicity, socioeconomic, and academic considerations, children with special needs and the non-native speakers should not be excluded in the groups, and the teacher should make a careful balancing of whether to allow the class to decide on their own what their individual roles would be (with consideration to special needs children and the non-native speakers), or make the decision for the whole class on this matt er. This is where the part of incorporating the Biblical verse becomes very important, as students will be made responsible for each other and each other's participation and performance throughout the activity. Classroom Management Plan: Technology is essential in the artifact. This involves students accessing information online to complete the activity. This computer can also be used as a tool to integrate INTASC Principle #5 on motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

WEEK 7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WEEK 7 - Assignment Example For this section, the topic of discussion is conjunctivitis, in particular, bacterial conjunctivitis. Bacterial conjunctivitis is common in children (Dolan & Holt, 2013). Any further history questions include: A positive or negative retort given by the patient will give a proper diagnosis of the medical condition. This is by attaining the exact information in determining the diagnosis, thereby an exact diagnosis. A negative response will refute the differential diagnosis. Thus, intensive patient history will be done so as to get the right diagnosis. The signs presented by the 10-year-old that support the diagnosis of bacterial conjunctivitis. This is by the symptoms exhibited- pink eye, crusted right eye with lashes held together. In addition, the patient complained of a sensation of grit in the eye. Bacterial conjunctivitis is presented by acute redness, discharge and burning. The discharge appears in the morning and is variable (Yanoff & Duker, 2008). The patient also has challenges in opening the eye because of the glue effect of the discharge. Moreover, the patient presents with an earache that persists night, which suggest otitis externa. Signs of right ear tenderness over tragus, copious creamy yellow exudates in the canal, and the canal narrowed are seen; which are linked to the disease (Buttaro, 2013). Additionally, the patient complains of a sore throat is a strong indication of streptococcal pharyngitis. The patient exhibits signs of loss of appetite for solid foods, which is a strong indication of this condition. Als o, there is evidence of tonsils enlarged with purulent exudates bilaterally and uvula midline (Nair & Peate, 2015). Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. The infecting organism in bacterial conjunctivitis is received through contact with an infected person and transported to the eye through fingertips. The common causative agents include Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenza and Streptococcus pneumonia.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How to make oral presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

How to make oral presentation - Essay Example It is also easier to understand the topic if it is interpreted in simpler words. Make an outline of the presentation. This will help organize not only the presentation but also the thought of the person delivering the oral presentation. Outline serves as guide for the presentation. This could be done through powerpoint and the presentor’s own printed copy with corresponding explanation. Do a dry run presentation a couple of days before the presentation. It will also help a lot if such dry run will be recorded so that the student can play back and observe how he or she is doing in the presentation and do some corresponding adjustments to make the presentation better. Dry run will also let the student have a feel of the presentation which would help diminish the nervousness during the presentation proper. Also, dry runs allow the student to make all possible mistakes without the deduction in grade or embarrassment. Do one last review and dry run of the subject matter to be presented a day before the presentation. Then relax and get enough sleep. Arrive at the presentation venue earlier to be able to relax and settle down. This will help to remove the nervousness and make the presentor more

Monday, September 9, 2019

Article Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Article Summary - Essay Example Combining these two entities would in fact enable easier analysis of cross-channels due to internal data sharing. Integration of email and Facebook increases the likelihood of reaching the target audience. This integration can be either through creation of email opt-tabs in the Facebook account or by adding a Facebook â€Å"like† request in email messages. A social login that operates through a single click into the individuals website that contain information from social networks such as Facebook can also be used to facilitate the conversion of email opt-in tabs. Such social logins could provide necessary information such as email address or other contact modes. A study has also concluded that this is now the most preferred method as compared to filling tiring registration forms. Such integration of services can also be used to test cross-channel data such as time of the day or day of the week. Metrics used in email operations such as open rate and clickthrough can be applied to posting schedules on Facebook and similarly the interactive windows of Facebook should be incorporated into sending windows of emails. Winning email subject lines and Facebook ads can also be exchanged. Additionally, images having a high clickthrough rate in emails and those which have increased interactive rates on Facebook can be interchanged. In conclusion, the article also stresses that a single editorial calendar could be used by marketers in order to promote action calls in both the channels. By and large the article lays emphasis on breaking the silos of an organization as it only serves to hinder its progress in the current global environment. Kirkpatrick, D. (2013). MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2013: Social Media is email with fresh paint. MarketingSherpa Blog. Retrieved 23 March, 2013, from

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16

Accounting - Assignment Example But now that he has a colleague that is hardworking and willing to go the extra mile to ensure the business is a success, he does not think twice about leaving. Barrow should renegotiate the agreement and make several changes. First of all, the 50-50 term should be changed, such that each person is paid according to the amount of work he has done or total weekly hours that he has worked. Holiday working and extra hours should also be compensated. He should also include in the agreement that each member can get a live periodically as the other member works. If Robbins still wants them to share the income on a 50-50 basis, then Barrow should also inform him that work is also to be shared equally. Barrow should notify him that he has a family too that he would like to spend time with and it would not be fair if he spends all his time and energy in the business while Robbins is busy enjoying himself. If Robbins declines these terms, then it would be plausible if Barrow worked alone as he is getting

Hemingway's Personal Life and its Influence on his Short Story, Hills Research Paper

Hemingway's Personal Life and its Influence on his Short Story, Hills Like White Elephants - Research Paper Example ling to give them space and do not realize the damage they cause to their psyche due to over-protectiveness or outright suppression of their rights and individuality. Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois and he was the second child of his parents Grace Hall and Clarence Edmonds Hemingway. After graduation, he shifted to Kansas City and joined as a cub reporter for the Star Newspaper. The ongoing World War excited him and he joined Red Cross as an ambulance driver. He was injured in the war and during the course of his recuperation, he met Agnes von Kurowsky. Hemingway took the relationship seriously but Agnes treated him as a kid. He returned to America to be honored as a war hero. With the termination of relationship with Agnes, Hemingway was heart-broken. In Chicago, when on freelance assignments, he met Hadley Richardson and they got married in 1921. Both of them moved to Paris, on the advice of a friend, to live in association with other writers. That move brought Hemingway to the limelight in the world of literature. In Paris he did some writing for the Toronto Star newspaper. Soon the marriage with Hadley ended, but Hemingway remarried Pauline Pfeiffer and they moved to Key West, Florida. His father committed suicide and his writing was interrupted. By then Hemingway had taken to heavy drinking. The marriage again was on the rocks and he went to Spain accompanied by his new love Martha Gellhorn. In 1940, he divorced Pauline. They jointly bought a house in Cuba and World War II broke out and Hemingway went to Europe to cover the war. Martha was already there to work. Their relationship however ended in 1945. He was in love again and he married Mary Welsh in the year 1946.They returned to Cuba and Hemingway was on his writing assignments again. The next phase in his life was full of tragedies. Ernest and Mary were enjoying a safari in Africa, and they were involved in a plane crash. The injuries were minor and the rescue

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Montblanc International GmbH Essay Example for Free

Montblanc International GmbH Essay Introduction of Montblanc International GmbH Montblanc International GmbH was founded in 1906, by a stationery trader Claus-Johannes Voss, a Hamburg banker Alfred Nehemias and the Berlin engineer August Eberstein and is a subsidiary of Compagnie Financiere Richemont- Cartier, Dunhill, Chloe and seven others companies; It is German Manufacturer of writing instruments, jewellery and leather goods. Montblanc International GmbH is a MNC with Singapore based operations This purpose of this report is to analyze on the external forces, environmental and major factors that might affect the business of Montblanc International GmbH locally, functions of management and recommendations in achieving success in the next 5 years. Montblanc’s background The company is in the industry of luxury goods and engages in the development and production of writing instruments. It also offers watches, leather, jewellery, eyewear, and fragrance for men and women. Their products are sold through selected retailers and jewellers and about 360 boutiques in more than 70 countries. â€Å"A century of tradition, efficiency, craftsmanship, heritage, culture, and creativity are the key defining factors of Montblanc, one of the world’s most consistent and successful luxury brands.† (Petcu, 2012) These are key factors which led to the success of Montblanc of today. Mont Blanc makes their pens a symbol of high standards, reputation and class and stands to be one of the topmost companies that produce an extensive range of luxurious accessories such as pens and watches. Some of their pens are collector’s items, guaranteeing a lifetime of high-value purchases and usually is an ideal gift for someone with high authority or studying. Their selling points are quality and nostalgia, men and women who desired a life expensive luxury and creativity and talent. They target professional and people who wanted to be seen as a professional by selling their products at a higher price and serial number on every pen they produced to act as an identification of an authentic Montblanc product. Their key products are their fountain pens, with special and limited editions and they have their own customer service and repairs for their products. They do not sell replacement parts and provide 2 year warranty for all products. 4 Environment factors that affects Montblanc 3.1 Changing demographic â€Å"SINGAPORE: The Singapore government is taking a comprehensive look at its population policies in view of the countrys changing demographics.† (Saad, 2012) Changing demographic refers to changes of the population, e.g. age, gender, race employment status and etc. In Singapore, there is an increase in ageing population. With higher employment rate, people are more financially stable as compared to the olden days and are more willing to spend on luxury goods. And as compared to generation X, generation Y are more willing to spend on luxury products and wants to be seen as chic and trendy. Social status plays a important factor to them. Moving from generation X to Y, a new generation Z has emerged, this being the Net Generation. â€Å"Generation Z is highly connected, as many members of this generation have had lifelong use of communications and media technologies such as the World Wide Web, instant messaging, text messaging, MP3 players, mobile phones and YouTube, earning them the nickname digital natives. (Mira, 2012) Thus, Mont Blanc should tap onto the ever-changing world wide net to market their products. 3.2 Lower trade barriers Trade barriers are restrictions induced by government on international trade which will affect the country’s economy. Purchasing power is one of the key factors that affect the company. If the country economy is good, the purchasing power of Singaporean to purchase their products will increase. Instead of just purchasing the cheapest product in the company, buyers can purchase a higher quality product if the economy is doing well. Also if the economy hits inflation, people will think twice about spending money. Lower trade barriers also increase the competition in the market as more competitors of the same industry start swarming into Singapore which will affect the company. Montblanc’s competitve advantage is its well established brand in the world and in Singapore. Competitors will be able to able to copy its products and design, but branding is something that will help Mont Blanc to maintain its competitive edge and increase the barrier of entry to competitors. 3.3 Globalization of production Globalization of production helps to save cost of production as products are split into many parts and produced in countries where labour and production cost are cheaper. Many production has moved their productions to China, however, Montblanc’s products are only produced in Germany. â€Å"The international business environment is forcing many firms to see the entire world as the stage for manufacturing, production, and marketing.† (Gomez-Mejia Balkin, 2012) With increased accessibility and improved telecommunications, moving their production factory to China will help to lower costs. Parts and raw materials can be sourced at other places for cost efficiency. However, quality control must be maintained at all times, regardless of where productions are. 3.4 Technological innovations Today, internet access is almost worldwide and we can’t deny its advantages. According to a research made on internet statistics, there are around 3.7 out of 5.2 millions of the population in Singapore who use Internet and the internet penetration rate in Singapore is 77.2%. (Consultant, 2012) Figure 1- users of internet in Singapore Due to long working hours and increased job demands, more and more working people are finding it difficult to visit our traditional brock and mortar shops. Retail experience still do matter for some, however, online shopping is becoming more popular in Singapore. Mont Blanc, being a trusted brand, will benefit even more from online shopping as people already has a standard expectation of the quality of their products. Currently, in Singapore, people can only shop for Mont Blanc products in their retail outlet or their US online store. However, cost of shipping and longer waiting time might play and important factor too. 2 Majors factors affecting Montblanc 4.1 General business environment General business environments are the factors and conditions such as economic, legal, political, and social circumstances that affect everyone in an industry. Singapore of today is pro-business environment, capable of attracting foreign investments and business entrepreneurs into Singapore. The business environments here are quite stable in terms of political, economic and legal. Singapore government are firm and not corrupted and is strict regarding piracy and copyrights and are providing assistance for people who wanted to start a business. Cases of selling of unauthentic branded products are low in Singapore. 4.2 Economic conditions Fluctuation in interest rates can have an impact on consumer purchasing. When interest rates are high, consumers may be less willing to purchase luxury goods. Higher inflation is normally accompanied by higher prices, so consumers may be less willing to buy luxury goods, If wages dont rise at the same rate of inflation, their spending power will decrease. Figure 2- Inflation rate in Singapore 2011 and 2012 The rate of unemployment can have a major effect on sales too. The more the number of people who are um-employed, the less money that is circulated into the economy through the purchase of goods and services. 4 Management Functions 5.1 Planning and Strategizing Planning is a basic managerial function and is the process of setting goals and objectives for the company and how it will be accomplished. It is important to plan as it set the organization’s objective clear and specific, .e.g. the targeted market of consumer, the image for Montblanc, price of their products, and also the setting of financial and operational budgets various products. The importance of planning is that it reduces risk of uncertainty, facilitates coordination and decision-making. Other than that, it also promotes creativity and allows a basic of control of the organization. To plan for an online store in Singapore, research has to be made in detail on the spending power people on luxury products, segregating into the different market segments and determining which segment has the highest spending expenditures on such luxury products. Forecasting sales by observing sales of other luxury products such as miu miu and prada which has moved into local online stores can help to minimize unnecessary cost in warehousing and manpower. 5.2 Organizing Organizing is arranging the internal structure of the organization, arranging and coordinating to achieve desired success. Organizing helps to organize resources and manpower according to the plan, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency and the success rate of achieving the organization’s goal. Figure 3- Organizing Structure of MontBlanc Montblanc adopted a organization structure which decentralized the organization into 3 divisions and the productions of dfifferent products are from 3 different factories. This structure benefits the organization as the deciding power are decentralized to each of the divisions where the management are more familiar with the culture and economy of the specific countries. Marketing and logistics play an important factor in online stores. Thus, internally, Mont Blanc has to hire a team of experts to push out their online store to the net savvy market. 5.3 Leading Leading helps the management to control and supervise the actions of the staff. This helps them to assist the staff in achieving the companys goals. A leaders influence over employees also affects and is affected by the effectiveness of the organization. The leader may partially determine which rewards are rewarded to achieving task goal accomplishment and choosing the rewards that have the highest value for the employee. â€Å"The key to our success is our people they ensure the company ´s success regardless of their role in the organization. We consider Montblanc ´s development to be the responsibility of everyone in the company.† (Montblanc) Giving bonuses and commissions as rewards are related to sales goals and effective in motivating the employees to achieve the goals. Communication and Interaction between the leader and subordinates are important, knowing their specialties and sending them for further development, matching their skills with the task requiring will increase the employee’s expectation and performance. Being considerate and humble, assigning right tasks, meaning goals and allowing subordinates to involve in the setting of goals and decision making will increase their satisfaction in their work and hence increase the efficiency of the organization. 5.4 Controlling Controlling is the process of examining performance, comparing actual against planned actions, and taking corrective action if necessary. It is important to to examine the performance so as to keep track of the financial status of the organization, whether if they are in the right directions and also allow them to attentive to any changes in the economic that might affect the plan. Recommendation Firstly, as the decrease in the trade barriers, as a General Manager, I suggest that Montblanc should decentralized their source of production and sought for lower cost production in less developed countries such as Thailand, China, Indonesia as their cost of labour and materials are much lower than developed countries. This will help them in saving money on shipment cost and increase the profits of the organization and providing an alternative for them if any problem occurs in their current factories. Constructing a service centre in Singapore will increase the efficiency and reputation. People will only to wait for weeks instead of months. Secondly, due to the rapid evolution of the technology in the Singapore and the increase of demand of online shopping in Singapore, Montblanc should start selling products online to go with trend, creating their personal shopping website that allows consumers in Singapore so that consumers could purchase with just a click instead of going down to the respective boutiques. Thirdly, in terms of demographics, generation Y and Z are more willing to purchase luxury goods; hence Montblanc should introduce a new design/series which is attuned to the needs and wants of the younger generation. This will not only bring in a different feeling and image of Montblanc, it will provide a new market target group for the organization, bringing it to a new level. Other than that, they can try to venture into different industries and provide a larger range of products with its well-known reputation. Lastly, Montblanc is an established brand and thus, the more they should improve the branding of their products as it is a competitative advantage for them. Conclusion In conclusion, Montblanc is affected by environmental and major factors of different countries. Changes of which will determine the success of the organization. Nevertheless, functions of management are a key factors to success as their success depends on their people and with well applied of the functions; When staff are motivated and appreciated, they are more willing to work harder for the company and even contribute ideas to the development of Montblanc. This will definitely bring Montblanc to greater success in its industry Works Cited Consultant, S. S. (2012 Ð ¹Ã ¸Ã » June). Singapore Internet Statistics 2012. Retrieved 2012 Ð ¹Ã ¸Ã » 07-October from LarryLim: Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B. (2012). Mangement- People| Performance| changes. In G.-M. Balkin, Mangement- People| Performance| changes (Internation ed., p. 56). United states of America: Pearson Education . Mira. (2012, January 29). Scribd. Retrieved October 08, 2012, from Montblanc. (n.d.). Montblanc management Style. Retrieved 2012 Ð ¹Ã ¸Ã » 08-October from Career: Petcu, O. (2012 Ð ¹Ã ¸Ã » 20-September). Montblanc, the DNA of a true luxury brand. Retrieved 2012 Ð ¹Ã ¸Ã » 07-10 from Business of luxury: Saad, I. (2012 Ð ¹Ã ¸Ã » 01-March). Singapores population at demographic turning point. Retrieved 2012 Ð ¹Ã  ¸Ã » 07-October from ttp://

Friday, September 6, 2019

“The Origin of Species” Response Essay Example for Free

â€Å"The Origin of Species† Response Essay In â€Å"The Origin of Species†, Charles Darwin painstakingly explores the different character traits exhibited among species. He looks at natural selection as a way of explaining extinction and adaptation and tries to prove evolution as the main theory of human origin. He states, â€Å"this whole volume is one long argument† (362), and that is exactly what this book is. There are no definite answers provided to the question of the origin of existence, but instead, many unanswered questions are posed and explored. Darwin argues on the issue of variance, stressing that it is most likely that any single species may derive from one common ancestor. He goes on to state that although not everything is known or can be proven about origin in ‘modern’ times because of ignorance about current climatic effects on our universe, it is most likely that the Earth itself affects certain groups of descendants of a certain species, making them extinct, while other migrated groups continue to thrive. In other words, species who remain in one area are bound to become extinct due to environmental factors, while those who migrate, or move from their homeland may have a better chance of survival. In doing so, roots become harder to trace, and changes in the species are inevitable due to their new surroundings. Darwin also believes that the world has had more groups of species than we will ever be able to uncover in our lifetime, so we will never truly know all that walked or lived on the Earth. I am personally fascinated with Darwin’s theories, experiments, and unanswered questions. It is intriguing how Darwin questions and test life and the origin of life. Many times in my own life I have wondered about the origin of life and questioned the religious answer versus the scientific answer. It was courageous and bold of Darwin to explore this issue the way that he did, especially since he came up with no true answers, merely a very educated and studied argument with sections of admitted ignorance on certain subtopics. The language is highly technical and â€Å"stiff†, so it does not make for a very fun read, but once the reader gets used to the content, it becomes easier. I agree with the concept that ‘only the strong survive’ and believe that natural selection is inevitable or the world would be uninhabitable. I disagree with Darwin’s explanations of complex questions, stating things such as, â€Å"I can answer these questions and grave objections only on the supposition that the geological record is far more imperfect than most geologists believe† (365). This weakens his argument, but still allows room for possible validity in his argument. However, it is noble that Darwin stuck to his theory and defended it, despite his lack of ability to actually prove it, â€Å"Grave as these several difficulties are, in my judgement they do not overthrow the theory of descent with modification† (367). From reading The Origin of Species, I learned how complex science can be. I learned that theories need to be tested and explored, and sometimes even if they fail, the original hypothesis remains unchanged. I learned that one must acknowledge the weaknesses in one’s own argument in order to make it stronger or more valid and I also learned that sometimes in life, there are no answers; some of life’s questions will always remain unanswered. Works Cited Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species. Spark Publishing: New York. 2003.